About IERI
The International Educational Research Institute (IERI) focuses on improving the science of large-scale assessments.
IERI undertakes activities around three broad areas of work that include:
- Research studies related to the development and implementation of large-scale assessments;
- Professional development and training; and
- Dissemination of research findings and information gathered through large-scale assessments.
IERI undertakes research activities that address issues surrounding large-scale assessments such as IEA-TIMSS, IEA-PIRLS, OECD-PISA, US-NAEP, OECD-PIAAC, IALS, ALL, etc.
News & Events
The International Educational Research Institute (IERI) is organizing a three-day winter academy on Item Response Theory and Population Modeling in Large-scale Assessments. The academy will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, from 14–16 January 2025. More information about this event can be found here.